Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Sommet des Diablarets

Did a ski tour to the summit of Diablarets last weekend. Skinned up to the summit through the fog and all.

Here's me, Carlos and Shane at the cross at the top of the summit in the fog....

Shane, Carlos and me

We actually are standing on snow here on the peak of a mountain....but it looks like we're just floating. Had to take the skis off to get to the peak because it was small and had a large drop off.

Addie, Carlos' loco amigo from Barcelona, me, Shane and Carlos

It actually was fairly clear when we skinned up...

Here's a view on the summit of Diablarets

Saturday, December 12, 2009


I was able to open up the ski season at Zermatt last weekend.

Admiring the Matterhorn...

Getting ready to take off

This is on the chair lift. Luckily there was a wind shield on the chair...

Group shot with an epic background

Going up the lift admiring the Matterhorn...

View of Zermatt

Me with the Matterhorn in the back

Here's some of the views looking over into the Italian side from the top of the piste....

Another look at the Matterhorn from a different angle



And some group jumping shots after dinner at The Pipe

It took our photographer more than one try to get us mid air

Here, notice Jamie running through the front of the photo