Sunday, November 29, 2009


Spent the most recent long weekend in Barcelona, Spain. Saw a lot of Gaudi's work which was incredible and ate so much delicious food.

One of the entrances to La Sagrada Familia, the church designed by Gaudi in the late 1800s that is still being built.

Inside La Sagrada Familia

Views from inside the church looking out

Krysten and me on the walk down from the top of the church with Barcelona in the background.

The park that Gaudi designed in Barcelona...intense mosaics

Me, Krysten, Emma and Tracy before a nice dinner in downtown Barcelona


Me and Krysten

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Finale, Italy Climbing Trip Part II

I finally have some more pictures from our climbing trip to Finale, Italy. When we first arrived in Italy, we didn't have a book or a map to figure out where we should go climbing so we made the best of our the beach...the Mediterranean coast of Italy.

Pondering whether we should go in the water...

We went for a swim...Here's Krysten, me, Ethan, Shane and someone blocked out by the drop of water on the lens.

We had fun with the water proof camera...

We decided to swim close to each other in a line at the camera, but I neglected to keep my arms close to me or change my swimming stroke. Here, I'm about to pummel Ethan in the face...

Paul fell asleep on the beach...

Post swim...taking in the scenery and the sun...Ethan hanging out, Hugh studying Italian (he was fluent at the end of the weekend!) and me resting for a moment.

The trusty LAS black van...


And we did actually do some climbing...

I'm up on the rock on the right...

Paul, Ethan and me climbing simultaneously

Breakfast at the campsite

The climbing spot...quite a good view from the top

We climbed until it was dark...

And of course, good food in Italy!

The "via ferrata" we had to do to get to and from the climbing spot on the third day...

Some group shots with the Italian friends we met at the climbing spot

And one final group shot from the last day before the drive home. We also liked testing out the self timers on our cameras. =)