Monday, September 13, 2010

Verbier - La Romandie Ride

On Sunday September 12th, a group of us from LAS rode in the Verbier La Romandie Classic. It was a ride that began in Aigle and ended with the Verbier climb. The only timed part of the ride was the last 8.7 km steep climb up to Verbier. Roads were closed and we were escorted by motorcycle along the entire course. The entire ride was 95.5 km. A few of us rode back home to Aigle making it 150km of riding and completing a century ride day (even in miles).

We watched Chasing Legends and ate delicious food the night before the ride.

At Savoy getting ready to make the CHILLY early morning descent from Leysin to Aigle, the start of the ride.

Aigle: Pre-Race

Post race....Ethan being.......Ethan

Post race; Pre-Pasta

Here, post race letting the food from the post race pasta party digest before the descent.

Some view from Verbier

Excellent weather that day

Bikes, bikes, bikes, mountains and more bikes

Team shots, post race....some more silly than others....left to right: Erin, Ethan, Paul, Pezz, Shane, Brinkmeyer, Krysten, me, Darby

I like this one

Paul, Pezz, Shane, Mike and me

Some post race candids

Mike, Pezz and Shane

Mike after the climb


Ethan and Erin...nice shirt Erin is sporting : )

Views of the race finish line...we had just as many fans at the TDF!

We took the cog up from Aigle with our bikes. After 150km of riding, we weren't going to attempt the 16km climb.....looks like a few other people with bikes made the same decision...