Thursday, October 22, 2009

Finale, Italia - Climbing Trip

Last weekend was our long weekend so we did not have school on Monday. I drove to Finale, Italy with some colleagues to do a little rock climbing. We left early on Saturday morning and returned late Monday night. We were able to go to the beach (Finale is on the Mediterranean coast of Italy), eat gelato, climb, camp and eat delicious Italian food. Unfortunately, the camera card on my camera got damaged when I was transferring photos so I only have the photos that everyone else took. There will be more to come once I get everyone's.

The van ride. That's Hugh in the back. He set up a bed back there on top of all our gear and spent most of the ride studying Italian.

A view of the coast

Me on the beach in Finale on Saturday afternoon

The salt water had quite the effect on my ability to style my hair

Carlos and Shane played street ball with some local kids. The kids were psyched!

Group shot at dinner one night

We're not really sure why these benches were shaped like this, but they were excellent for star gazing....that's Paul, me and Ethan checking out the stars...

Waiting to climb...

That's Hugh (my faculty-family husband) belaying

Shane, Ethan, Carlos and I gazing up at either Hugh, Krysten or Paul climbing

Me and Shane being silly in the street on our way to dinner

I love gnocchi!!

There's Krysten climbing!

Hanging out at the beach after dinner before heading to the campground

The place we parked the van on Monday before hiking to the climbing spot

We encountered an almost via ferrata on the way to the climbing area.

Shane climbing

T.P. was a vital part of the trip...

So, we may have taken the black van for a little off-roading while searching for the climbing area on Saturday night. Nothing the Italians couldn't help us with. We went to about six different garages and shops in search of a little help on our way out of town. Finally we found a guy that pulled out the dent. He called his buddy at a local shop. We went there next and got touch up on the paint. Best part, they treated us like family and we didn't pay a penny. We just left them a bottle of wine.

Stopped on the way out for gelato and who did we see on the wall....Marco Pantani and Lance Armstrong...

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